Controlling Devices


Processing refers to the act of changing data into another form that humans may use as information. The two computer processors available are the CPU and co-processor chips.

Overview of CPU, Microprocessor and co-processor.

The Central Processing Unit is the part of the computer that performs the processing and control functions. Microprocessor refers to any system using a single silicon chip and co-processor chips are integrated circuits that assist the CPU with specific processing tasks such as the maths co-processor,which helps with mathematical computations.

The 5 key components of a CPU

#1 Register- 

An electronic circuit capable of temporally storing binary digits. Stores the next instruction,temporary results,memory addresses and data to be processed.

#2 Arithmetic Logic Unit

A collection of electronic circuit used to perform arithmetic and logical functions. Functions include comparing numbers so that program can make decisions.

#3 System Clock

An accurate,fast electronic timer. Synchronisation transfers data at a particular clock pulse.The faster the system clock,the more instructions per second that can be executed by the CPU

#4 Control Unit

Controls all operations in the CPU by sending data along the correct buses and controls the fetch execute cycle.

#5 Buses

Wires or metallic strips etched into circuit boards along which signals are transferred from one component to another. The bus line has a set number of paths along which bits travel equivalent to the number of its in the computer's word length. The wider the bus,the quicker data can be transferred from one location to another.

Types of Software used to control robots

OpenRDK- Open-source software framework. 

Provides transparent concurrency management,interprocess and intra process blackboard based communication and a linking technique that allows for input or output data ports conceptual system design.

Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio- 

Features Concurrency and Coordination Runtime,making it easier to handle asynchronous input and output. A Decentralised Software Services framework allows program modules that can interoperate on a robot and PC to be created using a simple protocol; Visual Programming Language providing a simple drag and drop language to create robotic applications;DSSME for simple application configuration and distribution scenarios and VSE, which provides the ability to simulate and test robotic applications using a 3D physics based simulation tool.

RoboMind- Free programming language that features a small set of rules and concise language,requiring no foreknowledge.

Overview of a PLC

Programmable Logic Controller is a industrial computer system that  continuously monitors the state of input devices and makes decisions based upon a custom program to control the state of output devices. Commonly used in production lines. A PLC is able to change and replicate the operation while collecting and communicating vital information. A PLC consists of an internal program of its CPU that tells the PLC when to execute the control instructions contained in the User's programs;When to communicate with other devices;When to perfrom housekeeping activities such as internal diagnostics..

Uses of PLC

#1-Amusement Rides~ real time syste,controlling which roller coaster goes first,howf ast??
#2-Factory Assembly Lines~ controlling machinery,what process should be taken,duration
#3-Light fixtures~ controlling the process, which light's gotta be turned on here.shut it off...