Types of Robots

Similarities and Differences Between Non-Adaptive Robots and Adaptive Robots

Similarities  Differences

Both robots are reprogrammable and can accept new instructions that alter their purpose.
Non-Adaptive Robots- receive no feedback from its environment
Adaptive Robots- Receives feedback and make decisions based on it.
Adaptive Robots- basics for reasoning and intelligent reaction as they are able to make decisions based on feedback from its environment
Non-Adaptive Robots-A machine that would continue to follow its program regardless of the environment.
  A non-adaptive robot uses a open-loop system, a type of control system that uses only an input signal to actuate an output and has no automatic feedback to adjust the process.
 A adaptive robot though, is a close loop system; a type of control system that automatically changes the output based on the difference between the feedback signal to the input signal.
* CONTROL SYSTEM = A manual or automatic mechanism used to manage dynamic processes by adjusting or maintaining physical variables such as temperature, speed, or flow rate.

 open loop control system
                                        Example of an Open Loop System

Similarities and Differences between Industrial and Domestic Robots.

Similarities Differences
Both are mostly non adaptive.

Industrial robots have a means of carrying out its instructions- End effector, a mechanical device on the end of a robot arm to perform a task (functions similar to a human arm's palm/hand). A specific end effector will be needed for the action they perform.. e.g. gripper for holding stuff, robot hand for mimicking movements...
Domestic Robots- programmed for less laborious tasks. They can be "reprogrammed" by its users to do more than just one task. Industrial robots software can too but the hardware cant.


 Let me give you an example of an industrial robot,"Sketchy". Sketchy is an delta type-
industrial robot based on a parallel manipulator, a system that uses several computer controlled serial chains to support a end effector. The usual manipulators*(devices that are used manipulate materials without direct contact) are the ones with six linear actuators*(type of motor for moving/controlling a system e.g. wheel and axle,promoting motion and screws.. preventing motion) that support a movable base for devices such as flight simulators...  The difference between this platform to a serial manipulator is that the  end effecter of this linkage is connected to its base by a number of separate and independent linkages working in parallel( the position of the end point of each linkage is independent of the position of others.) Anyways.. Sketchy has 3 arms connected to the joints at the base. Sketchy does portrait prints.

    On the other hand, Domestic Robots like Roomba,the autonomous vacuum cleaner, just vacuums the floor.But it navigates itself to avoid obstacles while it is vacuuming the floor.

                     Nanotechnology and Nano-robots.

Nanotechnology is the science with interacting with atoms and molecules to modify the way they behave. Nanotechnology date back to Romans when they used gold and silver nano particles to make colour patterns in glass . Nano robots are robots or machines whose components are at or close to the scale of a nanometer.
5) There is certainly a place for nano robots in the medical field, it's small scale means that it could enter into the organs/cells of a human body and would enable doctors to observe or perform a surgery much more easily and at a lower risk. Performing a surgery for instance, would be safer as doctors could observe the behaviour of an infected cell more precisely and could target specifically only the tissues that have been infected.
6)If I could build a domestic robot, it would definitely be a robot that can perform household tasks as I can be forgetful ; Other times, when I have to devote more time on important tasks (e.g. studying),I wouldn't be able to do housework.And in this instance,to have a robot to help out would be great. The robot would be adaptive, it could learn of its surroundings so that it won't bump into things all the time. The robot would also have the capacity to learn at a rudimentary level, in areas such as learning ways to iron the clothes faster to improve its efficiency.

What my robot would probably look like